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Vaping Cessation (3 of 10)


Plan for your triggers


A trigger is anything that makes you want to vape. Anxiety, boredom, and stress can be triggers. Being around people who are vaping can be a trigger, too. 

To get ahead of your triggers, make a plan. 

For example, maybe you chose to spend time with people who don’t vape. If feeling bored is a trigger, play a game on your phone, if you have one, listen to music, or draw.  

If you like the way the vape device feels in your hand, hold a fidget spinner or stress ball instead. 

When cravings hit, try chewing gum, or drinking water. Having a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day can also help with having something to do with your hands - holding it, filling it throughout the day, opening and closing it. 

Lastly, find healthy ways to deal with stress. Exercise, or talk with a trusted family member, friend, or counselor. 

Take this time to come up with some ideas, personalized to you, about how you can get ahead of your triggers. 
